People Are Like Lightbulbs

People are like lightbulbs!

Some don’t shine too bright. We all know those people.  And then you’ve got some that shine bright, but it takes a lot of work for that to happen.  Those incandescent light bulbs take a lot of juice to make them bright.  And then you’ve got those that work smarter, not harder.  Those are the LEDs.  They’re more efficient, things happen easily for you and whatever.  They take less work (volts, watts, whatever), and they are able to achieve the same level of brightness as someone that works their tail off.

And then you’ve got some that shine bright, but it takes a lot of work for that to happen.  

Those incandescent light bulbs take a lot of juice to make them bright.  And then you’ve got those that work smarter, not harder.  Those are the LEDs.  They’re more efficient, things happen easily for you and whatever.  They take less work (voltage, wattage, whatever), and they are able to achieve the same level of brightness as someone that works their tail off.

And then you’ve got those that work smarter, not harder.  

Those are the LEDs.  They’re more efficient, things happen easily for you and whatever.  They take less work (voltage, wattage, whatever), and they are able to achieve the same level of brightness as someone that works their tail off.

The question is, which one are you going to be? Are you going to work hard to achieve the same level of success, or are you going to learn how to work smarter? 



If you enjoyed today’s post, People Are Like Lightbulbs and are looking to work smarter not harder in your business, click here!

Michael Finch

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This post was brought over from my website that was being hosted on a different server. The actual date of the blog post is unknown.