Two Entrepreneurs I have to give credit to for where I am today

Two Entrepreneurs, I have to give credit to for where I am today.

Jordan Moore

I met Jordan when we were both stationed in Pensacola, Florida attached to the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Team, The Blue Angels. He was the first “newbie” for our group and therefore he was the one responsible for all of us. My first year I was a Crew Chief and Jordan was in Life Support. My second year, I moved over into the Life Support shop and Jordan was our Lead. Continue reading “Two Entrepreneurs I have to give credit to for where I am today”

Stopping my Dogs Seizures with CBD Oil

My dog Lily had been with me through some of the best, and worst, times of my life.  I got her from a shelter in Pensacola, Florida in November of 2007.

I walked through the shelter and she was the only dog that sat there just looking at me. She didn’t bark. Her ears were back and she had this look of “please get me out of here”. Continue reading “Stopping my Dogs Seizures with CBD Oil”